BioMeridian Screening for Autism
I have screened many Autistic children and have been struck by the similarities of my findings.
The Toxic Load is always very high and focussed in the Colon
There is indication of a Leaky Gut
Minerals are low
Often Gluten intolerant although sometimes just Wheat & Spelt
Ways to helps are by reducing the toxic load by gentle Drainage, removing food intolerances and healing the gut. Only after these steps are done can minerals & vitamins be absorbed.
Please contact me if you wish to arrange a screening.
I would also suggest that, if possible, women considering motherhood should be checked and during pregnancy avoid chemicals & heavy metals as much as possible.
I have also seen children benefit by participating in The Aim Programme, similar to my work, but emitting rebalancing frequencies 24/7. They offer free scholarships to children within the Autism Spectrum, their only requirement is feedback on observed changes.